In addition of going to school, working class students also have to get a job to be able to help out their families. Working class students have always struggled to get by during their years in college but most of these students have families who support their dreams of coming out of poverty and become somebody with no pressures. However there are also students who lack family support and deal with these issues alone throughout college. According to the New York Times article For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall, “Likely reasons [that low income students drop out of college]
Some personal problems that can cause drop outs are pregnancies, marriage, and ect. Becoming a mother or a father at a young age is a big responsibility. When teens have kids, some tend to quit school without thinking about their child's future. Also, marriage can be a very stressful factor to any student. Stressing leads
The lack of education leads to further development of barriers such as a financial barrier and poor lifestyle that makes them unable to provide for themselves and their child. Most jobs that do not require a high school diploma only offer a minimum wage and do not offer adequate benefits to meet all medical needs. “key indicators of health, infant mortality rates and low-birth weight rates, were elevated when infants were born to mothers who were less educated” (Flores et al,1998). Considering that statement I believe that the biggest barrier affecting this vulnerable population’s health is education. Vulnerable mothers that do not finish getting their education become discouraged and loose the motivation and drive to tackle the oncoming challenges that life brings, creating for them another barrier on the micro level; it being a financial barrier.
Many were not motivated or properly taught by teachers, and in fact began to fail out or drop out of school. Most do not go onto College and most cannot afford College because of their low income families. In order to receive financial aid you must be a good student, and without the right education these students do not have good grades. It is a vicious cycle in our society that needs to be corrected. Education is one of the most important factors in a person’s life, and it needs to be the most important thing in our
The top three reasons I believe urban students do not perform as well as their peers in other communities are strained home life, cultural influences that do not support education and behavioral disturbances in the classroom. Family life in the urban environment is about survival. Many families are exhausted and see the school as a place where their children go during the day to get what they are not capable of giving them. They have very little interest in exerting any more energy. The cultural influences that inundate students at every turn, exacerbated by the media dwarfs most effort of other social influences.
The conventions of college writing are very complex and if professors are more helpful and patient with first year students as they learn academic discourse, students will be better prepared for all future academic endeavors and they will have a better opportunity to strengthen and develop their voice. David Bartholomae, author of Inventing the University, is a professor who writes about the struggles that students face with transitioning into college level writing and learning to write with authority in academic discourse, all while maintaining a unique voice. I agree with Bartholomae’s views on the subject and his arguments are very valid because he speaks from the status and
It described three myths as to why the high school transformation process has become an extremely lengthy one and how to change that fact. It also describes the major role advanced placement courses plays in high school reformation and how those courses can prepare students for a college education and a successful career. National Conference of State Legislatures (2010). High School Redesign: High School Reform Overview. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from This website shows how important it is for American high schools to prepare their students for college, in order for America to compete in this 21st century knowledge-based world.
For example, while in high school good homework grades are able to raise your overall grade if you did not do well on tests, in college the grades in tests and major papers (essays, projects, and researches) are the most important things that provide most of the course grade. Also, in high school if someone has received the grade of D and higher then they are able to pass the course but in college someone can graduate only if their average is same or above their departmental standard. Second, there are many differences in classes between these two institutions. Although in high school for students listening is sometimes more than enough however in college students should review class notes and text material regularly and ask for information from professor teaching assistance tutoring services and even from other students. Additionally, students in high school are provided with textbooks for free, whereas in college students need to buy textbooks and class materials.
Family issues are also one of the important factors for students to drop out. Sometime student have no choice to go to school, because they need to take care of their family members, especially if they have senior members or younger member in the family. In this case, eighty percent students will be more likely to drop out from school. Financial problem is also a big issue for student. The huge gap between rich and poor in this
Another reason why a student would have to dropout is because their family needs finical help. Whether it be a parent sick, or a loss of a parent, or they just cannot make ends meet, that’s a heavy responsibility on a student and they would not be able to do both. In my opinion, the most important reason a student drops out is because they fall behind in school, and there is no way for them to catch up. Whatever the reason is, it is important for students to know that there are options. Distance learning is a great way to get back on track with school and get students motivated to graduate and start college.