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2.3 (1.1) Describe how to establish respectful,professional relationships with children and young people If we want to to build a relationship with children and young people you will need to change the way you are from child to child, from the way you speak to the way you behave. Children need to feel that they can approach you and know that they are able to come to you with a work or personal problem. Children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities need to feel safe and appreciated and the way we babehave with them should demonstrate this.. it is important to lay down ground rules from the start and to show mutual respect to get the relationship right. It is important for a child to know what the rules are and how important it is to abide by these. I work with 4-5 year olds and when they begin our class we go through the rules of the class and make sure everyone understands these rules and also we make sure that if there is any problem that they should inform us as soon as possible. We tell them the rules are there to help them and to make sure that they get the best out of being in the class. We need to be aware of any issues which may be important to the children and make a point of talking to them about them if they or you feel it is necessary. For example a child in our class has a very ill younger sister who is in and out of hospital regularly, it is important for her to know that she is able to talk to us about this but also for her to know that she does not do this in the middle of a lesson but at a time that is convenient to all of us. She is very good at knowing when to approach us and hopefully that is because of the guidance we have given
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