Equality And Diversity Research Paper

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Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Understand the importance of promoting equality and diversity in work with children and young people. 1.1 Identify the current legislations and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity. Every school/ nurseries must produce a range of policies outlining the procedures and guidelines of promoting equality in the school, taking into account the rights of all individuals, such as all staff, children and the wider community. The policies must show…show more content…
However, we can aim to offer each unique child equality of opportunity suited to their individual needs and requirements. We as staff need to understand the needs and requirements of each individual child. For each child to have equal opportunities, settings they learn and play in must ensure that they and their families are fully included in the setting, taking into account the diversity of the children and families who come to the setting. Inclusion is the process of making this happens. Working towards inclusion involves striving to remove barriers to children and their families. As a teaching assistant at Byker Primary School i have come into contact with many children who have come to live in the UK from many different countries as well as children from many different backgrounds. We have children from Africa, China, Saudi Arabia and Romania. In order to show that our school treats everyone the same and eliminate discrimination we hold carousel days. Last year the school held an African day. Children and the parents of this country were able to work together and do different activities with the whole school. Activities included hair braiding, food…show more content…
It is therefore important that you examine your own attitudes and values to consider how these may impact on the way you work with children and young people. Children listen intently to others around them, both adults and other children and soak up all information given to them. The school must make sure that the children are surrounded with positive messages about their peers and their own importance in society. All children are individuals and have individual rights; however they are not the same. It is the policy, currently, to include all children in mainstream education so long as the curriculum can be adapted to suit an individual pupils needs. It is easy for an adult as well as another child to have personal predjudices against a child or another adult. This can be due to lack of knowledge and understanding of other cultures and beliefs, therefore it is beneficial for practitioners and parents to study and gain knowledge of other cultural beliefs and the way in which they do things differently. It is also a good idea to understand important aspects of their religion such as having to wear special clothing as a sign of commitment to their religion or festivals and the need to pray and eat certain foods. Gaining this will help to understand why this is important to them and become accustomed to different
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