Reflection On Task 2.3 As I Work With Age 3 To 10 Years Old Age

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Task 2 – 2.3 As I work in a SEN PMLD class I work with ages 3 to 10 years of ages, so we have to adapt the NC to our class and our children depending on their abilities. Our class has been labelled Nursery and Early years as the children in our class are at that stage with all the development skills, and would not be fair to put them in a higher class due to their age if they aren’t developed fully to go in a higher class. For example, we have a student that is at her mental ability to understand what she should at her age intellectually but does not have the physical and communicational skills to response like most other children her age (she is 6 years old). However as she cannot communicate with us through speech, we would adapt the lesson…show more content…
However for the other students in the class we would be working on their targets during this time. Adapting the maths lesson on the NC to them all individually, we have TAs on a one to one with each child so they get the best help, and while Lillie is being asked by her TA at the time another TA would be working with their student for instance working on the physical skills to knock a green bottle over as they are learning, how to use their arms etc. We use the NC and EYFS, we adapt all to the children we have in our class individually, making sure they are getting the best development skills for them at that time. Task 3 – 3.1 Methods of observations include the following; * Snapshot – Which means; you observe the pupil at a specific time, for example, behaviour during a certain activity. * Structured – this would be observing a pupil during a particular activity set up to gain exact information about the pupils learning. For example monitoring the child’s comprehension skills. * Naturalistic – this would be to simply monitor the child during classroom activities. For example, playing a…show more content…
Monitor every time the child would do this. * Participant – This would mean to monitor a child when they are within a group. * Non Participant – this would mean to monitor the child when they are working on their own with another member of staff. * Trail or Movement – This would be observing a child’s behaviour in the classroom * Target Child – Observing one child In my SEN PMLD class we also use other methods of keeping these accurate within the team we use checklists on the wall, (obviously confidential) for instance we all know that Joe Bloggs bites, so we have his name on a check list that has a tally chart next to his name, the team are aware what this means but if a parent or other person came in the would just see; Week Commencing 25/08/14 Name | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Total | Joe Bloggs | // | // | //// | | / | 9 | Mary Smith | /// | / | | //// | ////// | 14 | Bob Frances | // | | / | | /// | 6

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