1.06 Review and Project Milestone

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Educational Psychology. Teachers could apply psychology principles to diagnose and treat behavior and learning problems in their students. They also work with educators and families to address behavioral and academic concern at school and how the family or school could help with the concern and treat it accordingly. Educational psychology both comes from and contributes to cognitive science and the learning sciences. Educational Psychology is useful to determine how an educator and the students’ family can help and work with the student in order for the student to progress. There are also many tests that the student can take to see whether its a disorder that is causing the specific behaviors. Health Psychology. This focuses on how biological, social, and psychological factors influence and motivate health and illness. Health psychologists seek to understand and work around the effects that certain behaviors have on ones health. They also study and focus on how a person’s health can impact their behavior and emotions. Their main goals are to prevent illness, help treat the illness, and overall promote good health. They are constantly trying to find treatments and influences in order to cure or help their patient(s) with their illness. Positive Psychology. It is considered as a relatively new form of applied psychology. As is was created by Martin E. Seligman in 1998. His focus and thought was rather than focusing on the trauma and illness, psychologists needed to focus on strength, success, and happiness. Positive psychology reviews positive personalities in an attempt to eventually help others achieve the same happiness. This is also favorable to society, considering that today’s society's main focus is for people to be happy, not depressed, saddened or anything but
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