01] Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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[01] Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples [01:1]Understanding Why Communication is important in the work setting Communication within the work place is important for many reasons 1. You need to be able to communicate with clients to understand their needs and requirements in order that you can assist tem with the daily tasks required in each individual case. 2. You need to be able to pass any necessary information on to the correct staff members so that any needs or requests you have become aware of are also known by all other necessary members of the care team so that a good level of continuity in care is maintained [01:2] Be Able To Meet The Communication and language needs wishes and preferences Of an Individual There are many communication barriers that may need to be crossed within the work places here are a few and how I would attempt to bridge those barriers 1. Deafness This can be overcome by the use of sign language or written notes if the client is able to lip read then direct facial contact should always be maintained when having a conversation or when daily chores need to be assessed 2. Blindness This is overcome by explaining in detail all tasks you are about to perform before you begin so that the client is fully aware of what is going on around them i.e. if you were about to assist them to have a bath everything should be talked through for example I am going to remove your shoes and socks first. This will avoid the client becoming nervous and give them the chance to tell you anything you may need to know before the action is performed 3. Dementia With dementia you really need to get to know each individual well to know how best to communicate with them as every person is effected in a different way some may just need to be told they need to do something some may
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