Cu2637 Essay

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CU2637 – Support Individuals to Meet Personal Care Needs 1.1 Encourage an individual to communicate their needs, preferences and personal beliefs affecting their personal care 1.2 Establish the level and type of support and individual needs for personal care Working with the service users that I do means that they are dependant on me to complete all levels of their personal care. Whilst they are unable to do things for themselves they are however often able to at least express their wishes, whether it be what colour shirt they wish to wear or whether or not they want a shave or to have their hair washed. Before commencing their personal care I therefore ensure that as many choices are given to them as possible. Each service user requires different levels of assistance for their personal care. Some service users require me to wash, dry and dress them as well as preparing meals and feeding them, whereas others are able to undress, wash their own hair and bodies then dry and dress themselves with little assistance. All service users should always be treated as an individual and if in any doubt to the level of support that should be given then their care plans should be referred to as well as colleagues or family members. 1.3 Agree with the individual how privacy will be maintained through personal care When completing personal care with a service user whether it be assisting them to toilet, changing an incontinence pad or giving them a full wash either in the bath or their bed then their dignity and privacy should be foremost. I would always ensure that the following points are addressed: Doors are closed where possible or blinds drawn so that other colleagues or service users cannot gain view Curtains are shut so that other passers by cannot obtain view Towels or covers are used to hide their genital areas are kept covered when not

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