Youth Ministry Needs Work

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YOUTH MINISTRY NEEDS WORK After reading through chapter 2 of Changing The World Through Effective Youth Ministry, it is clear to me that Moser is hitting some very crucial topics of youth ministry. The first issue that is raised is how low the numbers are. I agree strongly with the headline of this in his book, “We need to build up before we reach out” (7). The fact is that we always neglect what we have in youth ministry, “the young people that are already on our side” (7). They are right in front of our faces but yet we just do not acknowledge what a great advantage they are and can be in growing the youth program. Another issue being raised up by Moser is keeping the youth in the program once they have joined. I would agree heavily on this topic. This is a really hard task for Church’s to do in today’s world. It seems like there are usually a couple new people every week but you just do not see them coming back and instead you see more and more youth leaving. All those kinds that the youth group reaches they rarely ever can keep them. It is hard to compete with all the commitments that kids have already made in their lives during the week especially in this day and age. Just counting sports and music and not all the other options kids have it is very hard to stay connected with youth. In Matthew it says, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (7), this is exactly it with youth programs. The third issue Moser brings up is that of entertainment instead of actually evangelizing. I couldn’t agree more. The youth leaders are trying to make it fun for kids and are forgetting the real point behind the youth group; ministry. Leaders are turning Friday nights into a social get together rather than a get together to get youth learning about the gospel. There is more concern on attracting outsiders and having bigger numbers than on the outcome of the
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