Generation R By Katherine Newman

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Similar Expectations yet Different Returns The economy which surrounds almost everyone in the world, and it does not only affect American’s life, but it also forces younger generations to face the reality of recession. Katherine Newman and Don Peck are two well-known sociologist and economist who have studied and dwelled on the culture and economy of the U.S.A for many years. There are many similarities and differences between Newman’s article “The Accordion Family: Boomerang Kids, Anxious Parents, and The Private Toll of Global Competition”, and Peck’s article “Generation R: The Changing Fortunes of American’s Youth.” Economic depression is one of similarities that Newman’s article and Peck’s article have. In Newman’s article, there’s no…show more content…
In “Generation R”, Peck writes in a situation about the thought of new generation. Some instances show that young adults are not ready to face their independent lives. Jean Twenge, an associate professor of psychology, is found that young people who graduated from high school dislike the idea of work for work’s sake, and expect jobs and career to be tailored to their interests and lifestyle. They also have very high material expectations, and believe financial success is extremely important. Twenge says, “There’s this idea that, ‘Yeah, I don’t want to work, but I’m still going to get all the stuff I want” (Peck 303). Some young adults have not even left their home before. They enjoy staying at home and not realizing that they should go out to find jobs. The main reason why young adults do not want to work is that their parents still guide them like children. Today, millions young adults are facing real problems: lack of job opportunities, housing, and trying to survive in a fast, globalized world. Their knee-jerk reaction is to lash out and blame their parents and someone else. But, sadly, most parents just get more indulgent in response. However, there are other types of young that they only have very little ambition which are better than the selfish one. Gary, one of Newman’s interviewee, says that his son wants to live a solid life as a skilled…show more content…
Newman’s article is more focused on culture and society. One special part in “The Accordion Family” is immigrant family. Some foreign-born parents feel that their children should steady with them even thought their son and daughter are adults, and many of these parents have very high expectation on their children, especially Asian parents. Family is very important in traditional Asian culture. Many Asian families still have “three generations living under one roof” means grandparents, parents, and children live in a same house. Yugoslavia, one of Newman’s interviewee in her article, says “I grew up in an extended family myself, so I am repeating that pattern in a way. It was my grandparents, parents, myself, and my sister living in a single-family home together” (91). Asian family members like to live very close because they can help and take care of each other easily. Another Asian culture is that young adults have responsibility for taking care of elders. Education is also important for Asian family. Asian parents always push their children very hard and force them to get very high scored on their education because they want their children to be “perfect”. Asian parents believe that high education can get a much better life and job. Asian parenting might look pushy and pressuring to Western eyes, but that is what Asian-American children say their parents’ guidance is warm and love. In Peck’s article is

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