Becoming An EMT-Basic

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Patrick Ogden Essay #2 ENG 101-2 March 1, 2013 Becoming an EMT-Basic “Ambulance 131 please respond to 15 Elm st for the possible CVA,” the dispatcher called over the radio. “A131 heading to 15 Elm st. Operations,” replied the EMT. Lights on, Sirens blaring, and adrenalin running. This is how most calls start off for an Emergency Medical Technician(EMT). A patient calls dispatch, dispatch calls us, we go to the scene, fix any major problems, transport the patient or patients to the hospital best suited for the type of situation at hand. From when you punch in to when you punch out, you repeat this process as many times as possible. Things will vary like type of call, scene, or where you transport to, but the format is mostly the same.…show more content…
As with most jobs though, no one wants to hire someone who has no experience. How do you get experience? You have to look for a job willing to hire you, which may take some time. Since all EMTs become eligible around the same time its you versus your class and everyone in any of the other 40 something classes that were held that season. There are also the people from the last season that have not found a job yet, they will also be looking. Once you find a job you have to get use to working in the environment, get use to coworkers and the types of shifts you are working. There are EMTs who have been working for years that you shouldn’t let patch up your kids doll. There are also new EMTs who are better than most people working the business, so don’t think because their EMT number is lower than yours that they know what they are doing. Now that you have a job, its time to relax and settle into the job?…show more content…
There are psych calls where a person is chemically unbalanced or just angry and needs to be psychologically evaluated at a hospital. There are also the transfer calls where you take some one for rehabilitation, these are the most common type of calls you will get as an EMT-B. Some of the worst calls you can get are pediatric calls. No one wants to get these calls but they happen and some times what makes them so bad is the family of the child. They either are in the way of you trying to do the job or just their reaction to what is happening can be a hindrance. You need to remember to keep calm and don’t show the family anything but confidence in what you are doing. The usual emergency calls are traumatic or medical emergencies. Traumatic calls are for people who have physically hurt themselves, where the medical calls are for people who have a disease or medical problem causing them distress. No matter what kind of call you get the point is to get them to the hospital as fast and as safe as you can. For me becoming an EMT is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has opened me up from being very shy towards people. There is no room for being shy in EMS since you deal with people as a part of your job. When I first started I wanted to become a Paramedic, but not any more, My goal now is to become a Physicians Assistant(PA). EMT-Basic is a good stepping stone job if you want to go somewhere in the medical field.
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