Why I Wan to Be a Nurse

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Why I choose nursing as a career. Throughout my educational career, I have dreamed of becoming many different types of professional employees. The one common denominator among all of these goals was that I desired to be part of a profession that cared, nurtured, healed, and educated others. Although, I had finally decided on a collegiate and worked in a professional environment as a biologist. I knew my love for science and medicine was something in which I truly needed to be involved. This paper explains why I decided that nursing was my new route toward making my career ambitions come true. The definition for human caring is very subjective. It means many different things to many different people. Personal definitions are guided by personal experiences. There is one experience that has shaped my definition of caring. As a child I was constantly involved in many physical sport activities. This type of participation also meant constant injuries, resulting in fast paced trips to the emergency room. Although I had seen many doctors during these experiences, I do not truly remember one. The people whom I do remember were the nurses. The nurses were the caretakers, who taught me how to use the crutches, constantly checked for my comfort while waiting in pain, and spoke to me in a language that felt soothing and safe. I had always admired this type of work, but never thought I was smart enough or driven enough to follow through with the nursing career path. My college career begins in 1999, and my major initially was biology. Biology was a wonderful career choice for me but after a while I wanted something different. I want to be able to help and save people lives. On this decision, I started taking the prerequisite course work for nursing and began to see a new type of student. Fortunately for new I only have few prerequisite to take.

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