Essay About Bullying In School

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Cause and effect essay.. Youngsters are terrified of school Recently I was reading about bullying in U.S.A and suddenly something jump to the view. One in fourth teenagers report has being bullied at school in different ways. Bullying is the first cause that teenagers reject to assist at school. The called bullycide is something that the society cannot allow that happen. We have to be conscious of this problem and take action at once. Based on the several articles and websites I could say that the bullying has been increase on the last years. Every day in our schools one in four teenagers is bullied and many of them never report the incident. Some kinds of them are emotional abuse which is intimidation, humiliation and discrediting. Also, very common is verbal harassment or threat. As well physical assault or coercion is one of the worse. Bullying in school is also referred to as peer abuse. Many teenagers refusing go to school overshadowed by the fear of being assaulted or dead in the hands of their aggressors. Other forms of violence such as assault and murder usually receive most media attention than bullying that has being only addressed by researchers on started 2000s. Bullying is a cause of many problems…show more content…
We can’t stay quiet anymore. So many teens and young people's lives have been cut short because somebody said words hurled towards them. It surprise me how bullies feel no guilty over the fact that they, themselves, have killed someone. We can no longer ignore the issue; it's time to take a stand. We need to stop others from this horrible sting; we need to raise our voice and change the world. Many people are turning sightless and that is coming worse every day. I propose that together, teachers, parents, students, all alike, can raise consciousness, and stop this violent curse before it claims more
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