A Growing Epidemic Proving To Be Fatal

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Bullying in Schools and Online: A Growing Epidemic Proving to be Fatal Kimberly Futrell Harrison College Composition I Stephanie Kurin 06/10/2012 Bullying in Schools and Online: A Growing Epidemic Proving to be Fatal Each day, kids are being bullied in their schools and at home while online. They are bullied because of race, sexual orientation, creed, physical image, or for no particular reason at all. Bullying is not limited to age, but the most prevalent age range is teenagers. Bullying in schools and on the Internet amongst teenagers has greatly increased in the past years; this has led to increased fatalities because so many feel that they don't have anywhere or anyone to go to. These fatalities are not just suicides, but…show more content…
Author of The Bully Society, Jessie Klein, researched school shootings over thirty years and found that the majority of them had one similarity, the result of the shooter being bullied. The bullying was either name calling or not being accepted, (Klein, 2012, p.1). Many people hear of these stories of a gunman, or even two, shooting large masses and think that they must’ve been crazy or there was a lack of parental involvement. I know I used to think that. But did they truly have a mental disorder or were they driven there after suffering from being bullied over a period of…show more content…
Fact and Statistics: The numbers continue to rise every month. Retrieved from http://www.makebeatsnotbeatdowns.org/facts_new.html McCleery, Bill. (2012, May 13). Bullying blamed in Indiana teen’s suicide. Retrieved from http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20120513/NEWS02/305130040/Bullying-blamed-Indiana-teen-s-suicide Biography.com. (2012). Seung-Hui Cho. Retrieved from http://www.biography.com/people/seung-hui-cho-235991 Mandell, Nina. (2012, January 5). Florida teen Jorge Saavedra won’t be charged with murder in bus-stop stabbing. NY Daily News. Retrieved from http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/florida-teen-jorge-saavedra-charged-murder-bus-stop-stabbing-article-1.1001277#ixzz1j04WQeLu Reach Out. (No Date). What to do if you are being bullied. Retrieved from http://us.reachout.com/facts/factsheet/what-to-do-if-you-are-being-bullied Stamoulis, Kathryn. (2010, October 11). The New Teen Age: 7 Ways to Support Teen Bullying Victims. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-new-teen-age/201010/7-ways-support-teen-bullying-victims Thesis: Bullying in schools and on the Internet amongst teenagers has greatly increased in the past years; this has led to increased fatalities because so many feel that they don't have anywhere or anyone to go

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