Bowling For Columbine Research Paper

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William Black III Professor Snow English 101 12:00 3 December 2010 Guns: America’s New Addiction Bowling for Columbine. Dir. Michael Moore. Narr. Michael Moore. MGM Home Entertainment. 2002.DVD During the hot summer in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787 America’s founding fathers debated, argued, and compromised, eventually crafting what is now the oldest written constitution still in use. The Constitution includes different rules and aspects for the country to follow by. In one section of the Constitution there are given right for American people called Amendments. There are currently twenty-seven all together and continue to grow. The second amendment in particular states that Americans “have the right of the people to keep and bear…show more content…
With America violent history, was display with America’s violence with foreign countries such as Iraq and Kuwait (Moore). Then within America the fear that people have is due to the violence that is regularly shown in their everyday lives. Other aspects that crimes develop are because of poverty and unemployment. This has made living in times much harder for American because of the failing economy. Growing up in rough times means rough times in some schools. In Columbine High School Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were the victims of bullying throughout high school (Moore). People probably ridiculed them and picked on them because they were considered weird. The bullying and anger got to them and that is probably what caused them to breakdown. Growing up I was bullied plenty of times by insensitive students. The bullying and mocking affected me to the point where I didn’t want to go to school. However, with advice from my parents I learned to ignore the bullying and mocking because I was better than…show more content…
Statistics shows that 87% of students living below the poverty line. Poverty is one of the leading reasons for homicide in America (Moore). Michael Moore wanted to find out more about the case of the death of Kayla Rolland. He found out that Dedrick Owens brought the gun from his uncle’s house while his mother was working hours away from her son. They were in poverty and she had no choice but to work. If she was did not have to work so far it could have possibly prevented a tragic event. I have never been in poverty but I know people who have and still are. They are stuck in hard situations such as paying for certain things and getting basic necessities for living. Schools are also affected by poverty. Struggling schools cannot afford new materials or a better environment for the school. High quality schools have more opportunities than the less fortunate schools with education. For the less fortunate school there are limits to what students could learn. People stuck in poverty sometimes have to do illegal things to just make it to the next month. People in poverty do whatever it takes to stay stable in
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