From a religious standpoint they believe that when the fetus arrives it is a person. Most believe when the nervous system is made, because it can feel pain like an abortion. However this stage does not happen until the 6th or 7th month and abortion never occurs after the 24th week. Abortion is necessary because of the potential of existing circumstances that would be a detriment to the mother or fetus. The mother could be physically, mentally, or emotionally unwell and not capable of being pregnant or having a child without endangering her health; the pregnancy could have possibly been the result of a terrible crime, such as rape or incest; the fetus could be unhealthy and be a danger to the mother's health.
In cases where the woman is unable to care for the child either; financially, emotionally, or mentally, she may feel that the abortion is morally acceptable. Other instances such as the child may have been conceived as the result of rape or by an abusive partner may also be morally right to get an abortion from the mothers view. Therefore, if a woman feels that having the child would be wrong the philosophy of
This is wrong and should not be allowed. Nothing else in the world matters except the value of human life. You cannot go out and kill someone and get away with it just because you feel like it. Why does that not apply to abortion? Most women will have regret and long term complications after having an abortion.
Pro-life is the opposing argument to pro-choice, and that abortions should be made illegal like in Northern Ireland unless the mother’s life is at serious risk. Many Religions have the traditional view that abortion is a sin. It is argued that if a teenager becomes pregnant and has an abortion they may come to regret this in later life, because at the time they were only a minor. The argument for Pro-life is a choice by people who feel that it is wrong to take a man life, weather that human has been born or not is irrelevant. Abortion is seen as no different to murder.
The movement of anti-abortion was created and was also expanding. Creating two sides: pro-life which are against abortion, stating that abortion is murder. They believe that the fetus is a person, and has rights like all humans, and shouldn’t be killed. And the other side is pro-choice, entailing that those against abortion are against choice. They don’t see the fetus as an individual, they think that it’s mother’s decision to stay pregnant or not.
There are tons of people who get rejected when they apply to adopt a child. However, mot people who feel putting a child up for adoption is better than abortion. I strongly agree. The second reason why is many women are endangered by it. Not all abortions are handled in a manner that is both sanitary and done by a professional.
It cannot be held responsible for the deeds of another and should not be punished for those implied deeds. In the prolife view, women who choose, in the face of problematic circumstances, to keep an unwanted pregnancy when abortion is a choice, are "truly" female. (Rose) If a woman is to terminate an unborn fetus’ life society will never know what it could’ve become. He or she could have discovered the cure for cancer or aids, but it would never known, because they never existed. Many Prolifers also believe that abortion goes against the declaration of independence.
This characteristic of non-commitment that is symbolic of so many aspects of modern day life has led certain individuals to reject a fetus under the credence that it in itself is not a person, and therefore is not entitled to the rights any other individual can receive. On the other side victims of rape, incest, and molestation rightfully assert that to carry the fetus to term would prove impossible. Certain women due to medical conditions or threats to health state that delivering the baby would be equivalent to forfeiting their own lives. There are yet other factions who practice sex selective abortions and abort children based on their gender; this is commonly practices in countries such as India & China and where in the value of a male child that of a female child exceeds. This is not only a repulsive form of discrimination but it skews the gender ratios that present enormous problems for future generations.
Persuasive Speech Abortion: the easiest way to fix one’s mistakes. Abortion: the practice of ending a pregnancy by intentionally causing the death of the human fetus. I do not see how that cannot be considered as murder. When another person purposefully takes a life, it is murder. There are many other options for women that are not ready to be mothers.
One of the main differences between adoption and abortion is that abortion ends a life in order to end a pregnancy whereas adoption requires the giving up of the young or new born baby. Adoption also gives the mother the memory of giving birth even if she isn’t and never may be, in the position to give birth again. This can prove a life changing and eye opening experience to young women which could really change their maturity on the topic or later life or even just the prospect of birth. There are countless other differences that separate the mother when addressing adoption and abortion, the contact with the child, the finality of the decision, all of which are things which could lend themselves equally dependant on the mother’s current position in life and the mother’s mentality on having children. There are, however, benefits to the child in this topic.