Prolife vs. Prochoice

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Prolife vs. Prochoice Is abortion right or wrong? In a society that often rejects alternate ways of thinking we sometimes avoid facing controversial issues such as abortion. Many people would argue that abortions make one out to be an abomination. Many others would also argue “my body, my choice”. No one is to say who’s right and who’s wrong. Although no solid view of justified truth can be reached, each view has many pros and Cons. “Prolifers” as they are called do not believe in abortion under any circumstance. Even in the event of rape, the fetus conceived is seen as innocent. It cannot be held responsible for the deeds of another and should not be punished for those implied deeds. In the prolife view, women who choose, in the face of problematic circumstances, to keep an unwanted pregnancy when abortion is a choice, are "truly" female. (Rose) If a woman is to terminate an unborn fetus’ life society will never know what it could’ve become. He or she could have discovered the cure for cancer or aids, but it would never known, because they never existed. Many Prolifers also believe that abortion goes against the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence states All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Well, when you abort a child you are taking away their rights, this is what makes many Prolifers believe that abortion was subliminally addressed as unjust by the four fathers. Along with the pros of prolife, there are also cons. The prolific concerns of people only express that of the fetus. They do not stand for the mother in anyway. Suppose a mother has a serious health defect and in the event of childbirth her heart would stop and she would die. It should be her choice to make that sacrifice. Another example goes
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