With Reference to Two Groups in Society Whose Members Experience Poverty Disproportionately, Suggest Ways in Which Anti - Poverty Strategies That Social Workers Employ Might Benefit These Groups.

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In this assignment I will suggest different anti-poverty strategies social workers may choose to employ which have elements of both case work and structural social work. I will relate the use of these strategies to two particular groups in society whose members experience poverty disproportionately. The groups I have chosen are adults who have a learning disability and older adults. I will explore issues that affect both groups, explaining these in relation to the group's different experiences of poverty. Within the relevant literature there is no general consensus of what the problems of poverty are. Pantazis and Gordon (2000) states, "Little progress has been made in developing internationally acceptable standards of definition and measurement". However, I will argue that to provide the best possible service, social workers need to take a holistic approach to the clients, working in partnership with them. I will also illustrate the importance of anti-discriminatory practice when working with vulnerable groups and acknowledge structural inequalities that impact on their lives. One of the main reasons why people who have a learning disability live in poverty is that they are excluded from the labour market, as a direct consequence of this; they are mostly dependent on benefits. In its report "The same as you? A review of services for people with learning disabilities", the Scottish Executive acknowledges, "93% of people attending day centres do not have paid work and only 20% of activity in day centres takes the form of education and employment". (www.scotland.gov). It is common for a person to attend a training centre or community college for years only to receive a certificate for attending the course. A lack of adequate qualifications and training acts as a barrier to employment. Barry & Hallett (1998 p. 199) suggest "78% of this group rely on benefits as their

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