Why Should We Care Acout Child Poverty in the Uk

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Child poverty, in the UK is on the rise. Families are struggling to achieve basic human needs, and, as a result, their children are suffering the consequences. Poor nutrition, and living conditions are affected. There are currently 3.6 million children living in poverty in the UK, 1.6 million of these children, are living in severe poverty. (Barnardos, 2013). There are a number of indications as to why child poverty exists, unemployment plays a big part. Unemployment is an indicator of educational disadvantage, which in turn, affects the rest of a child’s life. Lone parent families are also an indication as to why child poverty is on the rise. Single parents have a lack of funds to support their children’s needs. There is a certain amount of social stigma pointed towards children living in poverty, and it’s these children, who, not only have to deal with that stigma and embarrassment, but, also they are dealing with the dramatic health consequences as well. There are a number of strategies in place to end child poverty. Improving social mobility and promoting work are high on the agenda, along with services to help promote the most vulnerable and hopefully, this in turn, will eradicate child poverty for good. There are a number of causes to child poverty in the UK. Lone parent households are one of the major issues. There are currently two million lone parents with dependent children in the UK in 2012. (Office for national statics, 2012). Lone parents are struggling to make ends meet; as a result, their children are paying the ultimate price. They lack essential clothing and footwear and therefore, this affects their self-confidence. Research suggests there are 41 per cent of children living in poverty as opposed to 23 per cent in two parent families. (Barnardos, 2013). The vast majority of single parents are on a low income; therefore, their
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