This is a big influence on student’s educational achievement as they do not have enough money to buy the necessary equipment for school such as revision guides. Also, if a student comes from a poor background, the house is more likely to be overcrowded. This means that they do not have a quiet place to study and do their homework which puts them at a disadvantage. Thay may not be able to afford educational trips etc. this is known as cultural deprivation.
Many teachers do not like “catching plagiarists and bringing them to academic justice.” As she states, it is not hard to just cite the author that originally had the information you are using (Bojar). Plagiarism is becoming a big problem in the school system. Many students do not understand what needs to be cited and what does not. The school system should teach students the proper way to cite, and they should teach them that copy and pasting is not writing a paper. According Bojar to students at the community college have a hard time juggling classes along with his or her family and a job.
Many people argue that development is vital in the younger years in the child’s life, and the ability to solve problems and apply ideas help in the long-term. Hyman argues that the lower classes create a self imposed barrier to learning their values. This is because he believes that they have a low value on education, with a ‘play safe’ culture and also a low level of self belief. This would all impact on the child performance at school as they would not have the attitude needed to progress. If at any point they failed, they would see this as a big mistake and give up and have a lack of motivation.
Monday February 18, 2013 Essay An Education Problem Author Mary Sherry In the Praise of the F Word The author Mary Sherry is a school teacher and mother who believes in flunking students that are not motivated to master the basic skills in reading, writing and math. She thinks many high school students are cheated by the educational system that graduates them, lacking these basic skills. Also, she feels students should have these basic academic skills before they enter into the real world of college or employment. The author states the lack of not having the basic skills can lead to many social, educational and financial problems later down the road. She understands that people come from different environments and everyone can learn; they just need to be motivated.
Some people deserve a second chance, but it shouldn’t be given to someone that doesn’t show effort towards school. If someone is failing a class you can’t always blame the student. You have to put in perspective that the teacher could be bad at teaching,or perhaps the student missed a lot of class due to being sick,or maybe the class is just too hard. So however, handing out extra credit could be tolerable to the students that show effort, and not to the students who mess around in class. One reason a student should receive extra credit to pass, is that they have trouble with that one specific subject.
It will also cause stress for the students because they will have a hard time learning there subject. With the increase of stress students grades Drop and some people would say they would become unreasonable adult figures when they grow up. Instead I propose that students should come after school and learn the subject
Also, if the child does not perform at his/her best, it greatly reduces the self-esteem not only of the child but the parents as well. The child and parents will receive continuous negative comments and feel pushed away. A child with ADHD’s most difficult environment is in a classroom being told to sit still, do not move, do not talk, and to pay attention to worksheets and finish them. None of these things come easily to parents whose child has ADHD, but day by day, off to school the children
These are the reasons why I do not agree with adding more hours in school. Some adults think that adding more school hours is bad. They think that it takes away time from family. Also, making school hours longer are too tiring for the kids. Still, nobody is sure if longer hours at school will result in better grades.
Learning about new things should be enjoyable when instead, it is doing the exact opposite and making children stress over it and hate the idea of it. Along with all of this stress, there comes even more negative effects on the average student. Having to deal with great amounts of stress, some students don’t know how to cope with it which results in their physical health deteriorating. Researchers have found that the increased levels of stress has led to “sleep deprivation and other health issues.” Lastly, no child or teenager should be forced to give up things that they
(Project RED, 2010) The real issue is that some schools/ district restrict students from using technology in school to support their education. It is stated that schools have difficulty keeping up with new technology so they are either behind and have a hard time catching up or they just do not update their technology restricting students from necessary resources. (Education Weekly, 2011) Some forms of learning that students found benefitting them at home as well as in school involving technology is online learning. Some surveys and research has been done that proves that online learning or blending learning elaborates students’ learning and develops their skill. Along with e-learning falls a category called social networking which has increasingly caught the attention of a lot of school board officials.