In Praise of the F Word

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Monday February 18, 2013 Essay An Education Problem Author Mary Sherry In the Praise of the F Word The author Mary Sherry is a school teacher and mother who believes in flunking students that are not motivated to master the basic skills in reading, writing and math. She thinks many high school students are cheated by the educational system that graduates them, lacking these basic skills. Also, she feels students should have these basic academic skills before they enter into the real world of college or employment. The author states the lack of not having the basic skills can lead to many social, educational and financial problems later down the road. She understands that people come from different environments and everyone can learn; they just need to be motivated. Mary once blamed the poor academic skills the students have today on things like drugs and divorce for poor motivation and concentration. She describes starting the day with concentration principles buy the way she walks into her class. If her style of teaching doesn’t work then she will fail the student. Mary’s son a High School senior was in the jeopardy of flunking English. She had a meeting with his teacher and was told that her son would flunk because he lacks the motivation to get his work done and fools around in class. Mary told her son that his teacher was going to flunk him ,so he made English his priority and got serious in the classroom. Mary believes that the policy of flunking students and supporting parents gave her son the opportunity to advance in life. She believes that it worked in the past and will work in the

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