Why Do People Go to College

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Several decades ago, only a few selected people were able to enter the college or university. In other words, it was quite rare to find those who completed college-degree called 'bachelor' or even attended college. However, there has been a drastic change in our society-specially people's point of view toward education. Accordingly, the number of people who are attending college or finished their study in college have been increased over the past decades. And they go to college with various reasons. To begin with, people attend college for getting a better job. In the past, there were only a few needs for someone who specialized in a certain area for the company or factory. All requiring workers to do was to do very simple tasks which didn't need any complicated skill. As time passes, these kinds of simple, mundane works have been replaced by machine. Therefore, from large incorporations to even small companies want a person who is capable of completing somewhat more sophisticated job which can be obtained from college-education. That is why people go to college in order to satisfy companies' demand, so they could get a job after graduation. Another reason is because of strong personal desire for learning. That is, people just want to learn something more deeply, which they are especially interested in. It is personal choice derived from one's innate desire. Unlike high school, people are taught one specific area as their major. Ultimately, it would help to expand their knowledge as well as to allow them to study what they really want. With increased knowledge, they become more confident and their self-esteem would be high as well. As mentioned before, people choose to go to college with various reasons. One reason can be for getting a job by satisfying company's need. Another reason can be a personal desire for further learning. Regardless of their

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