The first reason is because a lot of people want a job that will pay very good money. By going to college, you will have the hands-on learning education you need to start your chosen career. This is a huge reason why a lot of careers require you to have at least a two or four year degree. Another reason why college matters is because it helps students boost their confidence level out in the real world. There are countless things that people have to do every single day in life so going college will help give you a better idea of what the definition of life really is.
Chapter 1 In Chapter 1 the book talks about the college experience. It goes into different details about settling into a college routine, talks about why college is important and many other new things that come with college. It explains that college isn’t all about sports and partying that as young adults we have that image of college in our head. College is another step in education, and in today’s society having a college degree is very important when trying to get a high paying job. Having a college degree makes living the American Dream a lot easier, and it helps you grow as an adult and teaches you leadership roles.
I quickly began to attend college classes through my employer to make gains in my career and try to possibly secure my future. I had no idea until this point the many advantages that college was going to provide for me if I allowed it to. Continuing on in the job I had accepted it opened opportunities to study courses to get me promoted and increase my wages which bettered my lifestyle for me and my family and made things easier. I had finally found a job that I was happy in and chances to increase my thirst for knowledge as I could continue my education as long as I wanted. I finally had self- confidence and the drive to make the most of my career as I neared completion of Banker’s College.
College At Last! Starting college later in life can be a rewarding experience. Going Back to college has given me a sence of achievement, Also has made me a better role model for my children, and also will bring better carrer opportunities within the near future. Going back to college has been a long term goal of mine and i'm very proud of my self for taking the initiative to reach my goal. Though, i know that with me being a full time employee and parent, college will be a little more complicated.
I believe earning my degree is especially important to me for many reasons, but to name the most important ones to start is what it means for my family. I will be able to better provide for them, and I will be able to teach my daughters the importance of higher education. Another important aspect of earning a degree is the confidence and self -esteem boost I get. I believe that I will be able to achieve a career I can be proud of, and one that will provide me a lifetime of happiness. I will grow intellectually through different experiences and by meeting new people with the same intellect.
Being open-minded to learn or do new things can show one's true passion for a profession. Lastly, Many students go into college and change their major at least once, going through college helps show you what you really want to invest your time in as a profession (Importance of College Education). It’s okay if one doesn’t know what they want to do going into college, there are many things offered in college someone can learn to love, and want to do in the future. All in all, finding oneself is an important part of life. There are many things college has to offer that’ll help someone not only teach them new things, but help them pursue their
There are resources offered at the honors college I plan on taking advantage of, that offer exploring ways to help out in the community and on campus. After becoming a member of the honors college, I will finally be able to achieve my goals of becoming an overall better human being. I am confident that I will be able to utilize the honors college in my college journey. This opportunity will guide me through
Every person wants to improve his or her life. So, college is one of the places that helps one get a lot more from his life, to meet new opportunities and to achieve greater things. Knowledge is the great power that can be obtained through diligence in academics. Second of all, people go to a college to get a
With increased knowledge, they become more confident and their self-esteem would be high as well. As mentioned before, people choose to go to college with various reasons. One reason can be for getting a job by satisfying company's need. Another reason can be a personal desire for further learning. Regardless of their
“Why college education is important to me” College is my key to making something of my life. Finding better opportunities through having an education that I never thought I would be cut out for after my high school experience. The college experience opens all types of doors in your mind and in the world. Success and happiness is the key to life. If one pursues their dreams and ambitions, he or she can be open to many more of the opportunities this world has to offer.