Reasons for Earning a Degree

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I believe earning my degree is especially important to me for many reasons, but to name the most important ones to start is what it means for my family. I will be able to better provide for them, and I will be able to teach my daughters the importance of higher education. Another important aspect of earning a degree is the confidence and self -esteem boost I get. I believe that I will be able to achieve a career I can be proud of, and one that will provide me a lifetime of happiness. I will grow intellectually through different experiences and by meeting new people with the same intellect. I will become more aware of the impact I have on society and the planet. I will be more conscious of my health and the health of others around me that I care for. I will be more future-oriented and have a better understanding of how to be a more efficient consumer and how to make better investments. Knowing that I will contribute to society positively and leave an impression makes me feel good about myself and what I am doing. I will be able to use the tools and skills in my future course and in my career plans by using what I have learned through collaboration, goal setting, and effective time management. The career plan that I could construct throughout this course will also be able to help me. I have reflected on these topics in my paper because they were my favorites and I feel they will assist me the most throughout my lifetime. I also believe these three tools are good tools for my student tool box. One of my favorite topics this course was the week we learned about effective time management. After that lesson I made it a goal that I would learn how to more effectively use my time. I was given many tools and ideas but learning which ones worked best for me was the test. According to Your College it states that most fundamentally, how you manage time reflects what you

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