Business Research Report Rwt1

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Business Research Report Title Assessment Code: RWT1 Student Name: Toya Ochoa Student ID: 288150 Date: Mentor Name: Kasey Kelley Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Research Findings 4 Tuition Assistance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Flexible Work Schedule……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Onsite Childcare 6 Recommendations 7 Conclusion 8 References 9 Executive Summary As a member of the human resource department I have been asked to evaluate different compensation strategies to possible implement within the organization that employs over 100 people and each has a variety of salary levels. I have narrowed the strategies down to three that I feel are the…show more content…
Many affiliations involve customized degree programs target specific industries or functions that are important to the company. Some academic affiliations include a reduced tuition cost for employees of a company at a certain college. By earning a degree at a selected academic provider the employee receive a discount on tuition, therefore making their tuition money last longer. (Rodriguez) Many gifted employees constantly want to master and advance, if they feel they are not mastering and advancing, they are not remaining ambitious with their peers for promotional opportunities and career growth. Once top employees feel that they are no longer mastering, they begin to look elsewhere for a new job opportunity. Tuition assistance programs become highly beneficial to gifted employees because they know that having an advanced degree will enrich their performance on the job, ameliorate their career growth opportunities and allow them to possibly earn more money. (Rodriguez) Analysis: After researching tuition reimbursement implementing tuition reimbursement should be done to retain talented employees which prefer to continuously want to learn and grow within the organization. More employees will be satisfied with the organization and their salary will vary based on their education…show more content…
93% of parents cite work-site childcare as an important factor in job change. 42% of all employees surveyed said that the availability of on-site child care was an important factor to their decision to join the organization they work for. Having onsite child care increased the employee retention rate from 83.4% to 88.6%. Decreased job vacancy rate from 4.9% to 3.3%. Increased the rate of employees who returned to work after parental leave from 64% to 92%. The study also found that 26% of management level employees say they turned down or declined to pursue a job opportunity because they value their existing work-site childcare. (Children's Choice Learning Centers joins the Bright Horizons Family,
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