Why Did Organised Crime Become so Important in the 1920's?

1911 Words8 Pages
Why did organised Crime become so important in the 1920’s? ‘Why did organised become so important in the 1920’s?’ This question requires many things to be explained for it to be fully answered. Firstly what was organised crime in the 1920’s, what was prohibition, how important was it in the 1920’s and why was it so important. All of these questions need to be answered for a clear answer to be given to the question of ‘Why did organised crime become so important in the 1920’s?’ Organised crime in the 1920’s was dominated by the mafia or ‘gangsters’. The mafia tended to be Italian-Americans, whose family had migrated to America looking for a new start in life and a shot at gaining a fortune. The mafia was spread across the whole of America with ‘mob bosses’ in all the major cities, to name a few there was Dutch Schultz in New York, Chester La Mere in Detroit and the infamous Al Capone in Chicago. These ‘mob bosses’ had their cities wrapped around their thumbs; they could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, as they had control over the police and local governments. The mafia however, wasn’t just groups of rival gangs fighting each other. The mafia had split the U.S.A. into separate territories, with one gang controlling each territory, but there was always internal conflict going on throughout these territories, with mob bosses being deposed and replaced all the time. The mafia had control over all the speakeasies and bootleg alcohol during the prohibition period and made millions from it, which was used to help them commit horrific attacks on other gangs which any normal person would get a life imprisonment for. One of these crimes is the ‘St .Valentine’s Day Massacre’ committed by Al Capone. The mafia is one of the most famous organisations in the world, due to its infamous activities during the 20th Century. Prohibition was the Eighteenth Amendment to

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