Why College Education Is Important to Me

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Lissette Laureano ENAC1403293 hieving Academic Excellence Lesson 5 May 5,2014 “Why college education is important to me” Why college education is important to me? At the time I graduated high school I was seven months pregnant,i was eighteen years old . I became a stay at home mom and, three years after that i had my second child. My whole young adult life went by. I dedicated myself to my home and children. I paid for their college education watched them graduate and start their careers. I worked hard all my life regular jobs with no room for advancement. I am forty years old now, i work for Montefiore Medical Center in New York City for the security department. It pays well,but there is no room for advancement in that department. I have submitted my resume for many positions. This year I’ve been rejected three times or passed over for someone with a degree. For a while I believed this is as far as i will get, but I refused to give up. I decided to go back to school and get a college education, I knew my work schedule would not permit me to go into an actual classroom so i opted for the next best, online college. Why is college education is important?The U.S. has been transformed from a manufacturing based economy on knowledge,and the importance of a college education today can be compared to that of a high school education forty years ago. One important answer to this question is more opportunity to get that promotion and move ahead to a better brighter future. During our high school careers many students ask themselves the same question. The answer is that, more than ever a college education is necessary. Attending college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher education. we can learn from top educators and the level of understanding we receive is endless. The more

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