(2) The culture developed by the founders especially CEO Steve Jobs, could be defined as controlled dreamers, officially they thought of themselves as "Dreamers and Believers". A good example of the controlled part of that statement is best illustrated by Apple's universally acclaimed practices (3) a) Accountability - everyone is accountable for their actions. b) Hire the best - experts who can work as part of a cross-functional team c) Consistency - Simple products, intuitive and engaging d) Excellence above revenues - back the customer from beginning to end, revenue will naturally follow e) Treat employees well – loyalty is generated when the employee feels that the company cares about them. Two ways Apple attempted to accomplish this it through the Pioneering telecommuting and nap rooms. Apple’s culture went through three distinct phases, growing with Jobs, Live without jobs, and look out jobs is back.
Dell’s goal is to meet customer’s expectations and satisfactions with many qualities, such as: “highest quality, leading technology, individual and company accountability, best in class service and support, flexible customization capability, superior corporation citizenship, and financial stability.” Apple is also one of my favorite companies. Apple currently provides some of the most popular devices known in the technology world, such as: the iPhone, iPad, iMac, iPod, and Apple TV. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne had established Apple on April 1st, 1976. On January 3rd, 1997, APPL (Apple Inc.) had begun to manufacture and designs for mobile communication, personal computers, and digital music players. Aside from the popular devices that Apple offers, Apple also offers a variety of software, such as: iOS and OS X.
Why or why not? The chapter defines global corporate citizenship as committing to serving various stakeholders. I think that Apple did demonstrate good global corporate citizenship. Even though many of the tragedies could have been avoided long before the audits were performed, I think that Apple responded well after learning of the mistreatment of its indirect employees. The company understood that corporate citizenship is increasingly important for their long-term success and took action by commissioning a month-long, independent investigation of the labor conditions at its suppliers’ factories in China.
They have one of the best customer services by having stores that you can take your apple product in to and they’ll try to fix it in 10 minutes or they give you a new one. This is what customers want from a business that takes hundreds of pounds off of them. Apple’s bitten apple logo is recognised around the world. Each year they release a product that’s near on the same with just a few added features but still millions of people buy them, this is because of their renowned reputation in the phone market. Apple use relationship marketing when it comes to their customers as they take personal details such as address, phone number, email etc.
In 1977, Mike Markkula, who was an investor/advisor to Apple Inc. (then Apple Computer Inc.), developed a 3-point marketing strategy that would create loyal customers who would trust in their product (Moorman, 2012). Here was the 3-point marketing strategy: 1. Empathy- We will truly understand their [customer] needs better than any other company. 2. Focus- In order to do a good job of the things we decide to do, we must eliminate all of the unimportant opportunities.
He believe in his motto “Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people. Steve Jobs was a successful leader in my opinion due to he and his high school friend started Apple Computers in Jobs parents’ garage. Steve sold his care a Volkswagen bus and Wozniak sold his calculator. Apples computer
Have its strategies in its core businesses yielded success? Explain. Elements of Apples strategy in computers Style, unique capabilities (technology and programs unique to Apple) Demand for apple computers might grow because people want to integrate them with their iPads or iPhone. But, Apple computers lack price competitiveness. No Apple computer designed for price conscious buyers.
His wife was Laurene Powell. They have 3 children- Eve, Erin, and Reed (“Jobs” 320). According to TIME, “It’s a rule of thumb in the world of technology that you get to revolutionize one industry at most, but Jobs did it every few years with stunning regularity: computers, movies, music, phones” (Isaacson 38). Personal computers, animated movies, digital music, and cellphones would have never been the way they are today without the contributions by Steve Jobs. He was awarded TIME Person of the Year (Isaacson 40).
During the tenure of former CEO Steve jobs, Apple had extreme unprecedented success. Garnering an almost cult-like following with its innovations, Apple found itself in very unique position in that the products it manufactured were first to market, essentially creating a new market for competitors to challenge it in. While there where computers, phones and mp3 players from different companies none had the integration and usability across all it’s platforms like Apple did. This allowed it to sell one product to a consumer but guarantee this product would work with its other devices. Additional to this, it brought to market a phone that integrated various technologies.
Apple has fervently grown their market share over the recent few years in part due to innovative design. They have adopted an approach that elevates the interests of a few stakeholders (customer for example) over those of others. While customer satisfaction has been high, Apple is selective about divulging information about how their products come to fruition. The recent fall out from the Foxconn scandal highlighted poor working conditions of factory workers in China. Apple must adopt a page from Starbucks strategy where they educate customers on the fair price they pay the farmers to procure coffee beans.