Apple vs. Foxconn

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Abstract The following text examines the Apple-Foxconn relationship and Apple’s influence on its suppliers and their employees’ working conditions. It also explains the different stages of global corporate citizenship Apple has gone through over the years as they were intertwined in the middle of a larger human rights issue in fair labor practices. We also examine what goes into the company’s internal supplier code of conduct and how it differs than a standardized one provided by third-party organizations. The difference between internal and third-party audits is also investigated. INTRODUCTION Global corporate citizenship is progressively more important in today’s world as companies have a better understanding how it affects their business, brand and ultimately bottom line. A few years ago, a few different developments, mostly in China, have exposed the severe conditions that third-world workers have been withstanding. Apple’s demonstration of good global corporate citizenship over the years has shown an exemplary path for others to follow. Do you think that Apple has demonstrated global corporate citizenship, as defined in this chapter? Why or why not? The chapter defines global corporate citizenship as committing to serving various stakeholders. I think that Apple did demonstrate good global corporate citizenship. Even though many of the tragedies could have been avoided long before the audits were performed, I think that Apple responded well after learning of the mistreatment of its indirect employees. The company understood that corporate citizenship is increasingly important for their long-term success and took action by commissioning a month-long, independent investigation of the labor conditions at its suppliers’ factories in China. Apple also issued positive statements explaining how they have been working with their workers and suppliers to
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