What Separates Scientists from Pseudoscientists

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Science and pseudoscience differences aren’t always clear-cut. That is why it is best to know what separates scientists from pseudoscientists. Scientists try to put aside their bias, remain disinterested, and make all their theories or ideas falsifiable to solve problems in everyday life. However, pseudoscientists are imposters. They make their living off their biases, questionable practices, and not falsifiable claims that barely have any scientific evidence behind them. I would go to a scientist if I had a problem that needed to be solved because scientists try to put aside all their biases to help to solve the problem at hand. There are many different biases that affect our decision making process. Some of these biases include the emotional fallacy and representative heuristic. A scientist knows these biases and they find different ways to overcome them. For example, if a scientist is helping my brother with his depression, he would come up with different treatments based on previous scientific experiments on depression. He would look over the evidence on how they have treated patients in the past and the results of these treatments. Some of these treatments may include medication or cognitive behavior therapy. But in order to decide which treatment would be best for my brother, he may use past treatments from scientific experiments that he has performed that have worked for his other patients. In doing so, he would proceed to look over his evidence from his study to see which treatment method is best suited for my brother. An actual scientist would be confident that his results are valid because he stayed disinterested in the original experiment. The original experiment was asked by the company he worked for who produced Prozac for the scientist to test what would be the best treatment for patients experiencing depression. The scientist would stay
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