What Makes a Good Leader

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A good leader is someone who loves to lead other people and does his or her very best at it, in such a way that other people love to be led and do their very best, too. Also, what makes a good leader is also a bit more than that. A good leader has many desirable personal qualities and has learned the practical skills needed to excel in his or her job. A good leader is an inspiration to the members of his team and at the same time is able to fulfill or exceed the expectations of his or her superiors (if such exist). The traits of a good leader include personal attributes that also make you a great person overall. What makes a great leader is someone who is able to make decisions quickly and efficiently, appoint tasks to others and is generally well respected by peers. 1. A great leader is someone who respects others. A great leader must have great confidence in what he believes. He must be able to motivate and encourage others. An effective leader is a leader that works with their people, one who is able to reach his employees, or followers on a base level that creates a positive relationship that would enhance working together. Is Accountable.When something goes wrong great leaders step up and acknowledge their part in it and don't fall into the trap of trying to shift blame elsewhere. They'll focus on fixing the problem not fixing blame 2. Refuses To Gossip. The best leaders are loyal to those who aren't there and doesn't engage in workplace gossip. No matter how well justified or frustrated they may feel - Ever! 3. Grows Their People.They build teams of superstars by being exceptional delegators who delegate challenging work that builds people and gets results. They make sure that their people are regularly being challenged to grow and step ever more into their potential. 4. Leaders are rarely chosen by elections. People with admirable, desirable, and

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