What Does Integrity Mean to You?

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Integrity means being trustworthy, reliable, and decent in our dealings with others. It means being true to ourselves. When we are guided by integrity our actions align with our principles; our thoughts and words are in sync with each other. It becomes the basis for our reputation as well as our self-esteem. Integrity does not mean being perfect, but rather having high moral principles and being trusted in our actions as well as our words. It is something that compels us to do the right thing all the time. In our day-to-day life, we are presented with different choices. Some are hassle free and are very easy to make, while others may be difficult and requires significant effort. Of all the choices offered, picking the right or the wrong one is often determined by our character, which is based upon the qualities of integrity, accountability, and reliability. For example, if I am on a baseball team and my coach cannot be at practice today. He instructs me what to do and then leaves. Rather than putting a half-hearted effort into it, I decide to stick to those instructions, as I knew that I would be cheating myself as well as my teammates if I don’t follow them. Again, it was my principles that compelled me to do the right thing. Integrity plays an essential role in a community. It helps establish mutually beneficial relationships, and develop a sense of loyalty and duty amongst people. People who adhere to the principles of integrity will act correctly in academic, personal, and professional settings. In professional community, integrity enhances personal commitments to the code of ethics set forward by the professional organization. It involves decision making in the frame of mind as to what is right, instead of what will make me look better than others. It will help people act in a fair and a responsible manner. In personal settings, integrity leads
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