Mgt/230 Week 3 Lt Reflection

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Learning Team Reflection Summary MGT/230 March 12, 2012 Learning Team Reflection Summary During week two the focus was planning as a management function. We discussed organizational responsibility and ethics and how they affect the planning process. We also discussed the different types of planning. A significant portion of the discussion was the differences among strategic planning, operational planning, tactical planning, and contingency planning. Each type of planning is individually important, but is more significant to the collective whole. The class discussed the importance of contingency planning in depth, including the idea that contingency planning can be used in several ways. An excellent point made by the team is that planning is useful not only at work but also in our personal lives. . Ethics are the moral principles and standards that guide an individual’s or a group’s behavior. Ethics are important to the planning process because they are used when deciding how to implement organizational activities to meet goals. For example, if an employee acting ethically has knowledge of his or her colleague using company resources such as a company vehicle to take care of personal responsibilities, the individual would not question what he or she should do about the situation. The right thing to do would be to report the incident, which could save the organization money and display the individual’s dedication to upholding standards in keeping with the organization’s best interests. The text provided details for why it is so important to follow the ethical norms of society. The lessons learned from this topic could be applied to the team member’s professional careers because it assures the team that our current beliefs match those of an ethical society. The lesson further confirms that business and ethics go hand-in-hand and is just the

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