Western Culture - the Main Religious Reasons for the Reformation Period

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What are the main religious reasons of the Reformation?? 1- The abuses of the Catholic Church: there were numerous evil practices which greatly undermined the reputation of the church and the churchmen. As there was a considerable number of clergymen and priests who said that in Christianity there's “No Marriage”, yet did the opposite- they led scandalous lives. 2- In Christianity they say "live modest" and they did the opposite. Some of the clergy-men had amassed huge wealth and were living luxurious lives. 3- The sale of indulgence: These people tried to make as much money as possible and liberally issued indulgences\pardon certificates against payment. This practice invited severe criticism and was described as 'sale of licenses to commit sin'. In other words, people were paying to be forgiven for all sins; that was like a certificate to go to heaven. 4- The veneration of relics. 5- The power of the Pope: as in the "Inquisition" for which its punishment was to be burned alive. 6- Only the clergy can read the Bible. 7- The entire organization of the church right from the Pope down to priests was corrupt and vicious. They often indulged in hunting expeditions and drinking parties and completely neglected their religious duties. 8- The church consisted of 'unholy men in holy orders'. Often the churchmen used the church as a means of business. Thus, the church office was openly sold and quite often unsuitable men were appointed as priests. 9- The common masses were also unhappy with the Pope and church: not only unhappy with the prevailing corrupt practices in church and the flimsy grounds- on which the church collected funds from innocent people- but also disliked its interference in the secular affairs; some clergymen took keen interest in politics. 10- The rulers were eagerly looking for someone to provide them a lead for a

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