Was WWI An Accident?

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While Austria Hungary wanted to crush Serbia, Germany wanted to crush Russia. Two countries, during the July Crises, wanted war. Due to the fact that there were two proponents of war it is to little extent that WWI was an accident. On the one hand one might possibly contend that WWI was an accident. Some may argue that no one wanted war. Winston Churchill stated that the Great Powers slid over the brink into a war nobody wanted. (Doc I). Russia and France were forced into war because Germany declared war on Russia 1 August 1914 and war on France 3 August 1914. Therefore, it may be true that countries that did not want war were forced into it, however, “nobody” is inaccurate due to the fact that Germany wanted war. It may be possible…show more content…
Bethmann-Hollweg, German Chancellor, told England’s Foreign Secretary that Germany had no intention on military occupation of Belgium or seizing Belgian territory. (Doc L). Germany crossed over into Belgium 4 August 1914, on that same day the UK declared war on Germany. Thus, the war may have possibly been an accident because Germany’s intentions were not fulfilled. It also may be possible to argue that WWI was an accident because the Great Powers took action in order to try to avoid war. The great powers tried to through down anchors but Sir Edward Gray stated that in reality it was not safe because in a year’s time war would come. (Doc g). Sir Edward Gray, the Foreign Secretary for the UK, tried to hold Great Powers meeting on the 26 July 1914 and again on 30 July…show more content…
Germany and Austria caused the War purposefully not accidentally. The intentions of Austria were to destroy Serbia with the help of Germany. Conrad von Hotzendorff, Chief of General Staff for Austria, asked Moltke, Chief of German General Staff, if Austria could count on German support. (Doc B). On the 6 July 1914 Germany had given Austria a “blank check”, which stated the support of Germany towards Austria. The “blank check” enraged the UK, which sent a telegram to Germany declaring that the UK would support France. The “blank check” was no accident, therefore, the tensions and ally system of WWI began before the war, meaning that war was yet to come. Although, Austria was crippled from past events solely wanted to destroy Serbia. Massie states that Austria believes it’s fractured and disintegrated state will be cured by annihilating the source of all of its problems, Serbia. (Doc K). What caused the war between Serbia and Austria was no accident, it was the Seven Point Ultimatum passed 24 July 1914. The Seven Point Ultimatum was rejected and war outbroke due to the fact that the seven point ultimatum took away the sovereignty of Serbia by calling for the help of Austria’s forces to investigate for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand within Serbia. The seventh point enraged Serbia and since the ultimatum was rejected Austria declared war on Serbia 28 July 1914, thus, the war began
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