Voting In America

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The right to vote has long been considered the most important right granted to U.S. citizens: “Voting is the most fundamental expression of citizenship. The expansion of the franchise to include all Americans regardless of race, ethnicity, or sex; is one of the great successes in the evolution of American democracy. Breaking down barriers to citizen voter participation from literacy tests to the poll tax has been a constant battle for those of us who believe that every citizen should be able to exercise their right to vote. ( p.7) In the 2008 election, over 131 million Americans voted, with 206 million eligible and 146 million registered. Regardless of how or if they voted, Americans take pride in the fact that they have…show more content…
While he readily admits that he committed the crime for which he served time 18 years ago, he says he has had a clean record since being released from jail and he wants his life back. After completing his sentence, Shawn earned a GED, then a bachelor’s degree from Ottawa University and a master’s degree from Sullivan University. He has since written and published a book, and founded a nonprofit organization called 2NOT1 Fatherhood and Families Inc. Shawn devotes time, mostly as a volunteer, to promote the safety and well-being of children by implementing strategies to keep fathers involved and families together. He works hard to contribute to society and to enrich his daughters’ lives, and, after 28 years of proving his rehabilitation, he asks this simple question: Shouldn’t there be an end to the time he has to check the felon box on job applications and school volunteer applications? (…show more content…
As US Chief Justice Earl Warren once said, “The right to vote freely for the candidate of one’s choice is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government” ( p.5). It has been proven that smooth transition to a typical life style and a feeling of self-worth help to decrease recidivism rates. Counseling, rehab programs, jobs, and various other every day activities help with these transitions. Voting, knowing that your voice and opinion matter is a huge factor is self-worth. There are so many things that block felons from returning to “normality” a simple thing such as voting should not be one of them. I believe the best way to accomplish this is through adapting laws that other states currently have to restore voting

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