Ralph Nader's Influence On American Government

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 Jeff Howe April 30, 2009 Ralph Nader Government exists protect the citizens from themselves and Ralph Nader is there to ensure that the government follows through with their purpose. For decades, Ralph Nader has gained recognition as a kind of whistle-blower. He has alerted the general public to the dangers of consumer goods as well as hazards in airplane and car travel. To this end, Nader has created powerful non-profit organizations. Nader has some very distinct political opinions that make him the ideal candidate for president. His most attractive ideas for change in the white house include an end to America's wars - be it the Iraq War or the War on Drugs. If Ralph Nader were president he would end the American government's…show more content…
The organization also publishes a monthly magazine known as the "Multinational Monitor." In 2001, Ralph Nader started up another non-profit organization known as Democracy Rising. This organization was dedicated to ending the War in Iraq, and bringing the troops back to America. The political opinions that Ralph Nader is so well known for would make him one of the highest rated presidents that America has ever seen. In his 2000 bid for the presidency Ralph Nader campaigned against the corporate powers dominance in the political landscape as well as the need for change in the manner of how presidential races are held. He also wanted universal healthcare, the legalization of hemp, and free universal education - meaning college would be free for every American citizen. Nader ran on a similar platform in 2004 and 2008. Opposition to the War in Iraq was one of the biggest issues in the 2004 campaign and Nader had always been at the forefront of this opposition. Nader has made it quite clear to his fellow citizens that he will always do his utmost to ensure that the rights of consumers are upheld and defended. As president, Nader would be in a key position to continue his advocating for consumer…show more content…
He seems to lean to the left in the political spectrum, and yet, he always seems to be running against the democratic candidate for presidency. Nader has the country's best interests at heart when he runs for president, however, and it is the right of every citizen to run for president and to vote for whomever they wish. Hopefully Nader will continue to live a long life so that he may further defend the rights of consumers. But even after Nader is gone (he is 75 years old after all) his non-profit organizations will live on to extend the power of democracy in this nation, organizations like Appleseed, Democracy Rising, and Essential Information. Perhaps in 2012 America will find that Nader is running once more for president. If that day ever comes, Nader is that man to vote for because he's basically the last hope for the United

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