Naturalized Citizens Research Paper

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The long standing debate on whether amending the constitution to allow Naturalized citizens to run for presidency has formed arguments for and against the issue; all arguments stand with valid points. But as a democracy as the United States is, the government must consider the equal treatment of all its citizens including those naturalized. Loyalty to this country does not fall in place according to the country a person was born but by the values they were raised in. Not everyone has a realistic prospective of running for president whatever their background may be; but excluding certain citizens from consideration merely based on nativity is unjust and self-destructive. Kennedy states in his article “It makes second-class citizens of naturalized…show more content…
During the time the constitution was being written, the Founding Father used it as a way to protect our government so no foreign prince could buy his way into the presidency. But now the current stability of the American government and the intense media scrutiny of presidential candidates virtually eliminate that factor. Over 200 years have passed since the original drafting of the natural born citizen clause. During which technological innovations have made it possible for people to become more open about foreign policy or the vast diversity there is in the United…show more content…
The United States have become a great melting pot of many diverse cultures and opening the presidential right to any type citizen would demonstrate that our government follow the democratic ways it was built from. Works Cited Herlihy, Sarah P. Amending The Natural Born Citizen Requirement: Globalization As The Impetus And The Obstacle. Feb 22, 2006. <> Kennedy, Randall. A Right of All Citizens. May 12, 2011. <> Montgomery, Erin. Immigrants for President? Oct 24, 2003 <> Spalding, Matthew. Should Naturalized Citizens be President? Mar 1, 2005 <> Yinger, John. Should naturalized citizens be President? The constitution says that on 'natural-born' citizens can be President. Should we change that? Feb 14, 2005

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