United Kingdom Liberalism

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International Political Economy of the United Kingdom The United Kingdom has undoubtedly been a dominant actor in the global economy for many centuries. They were a leader throughout the 17th century in industrialization and that subsequently led to their dominant role in the global economy as well as the industrial revolutions. Nearing the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and implemented many liberal policies. The common term for her politics soon became known as "Thatcherism". Their economy is still one of the largest and most powerful in the world today, and they show no signs of letting up. The United Kingdom is very active in the political and economic realm of the world with their membership in the European Union, International Monetary Fund, the WTO, the World Bank, the United Nations, and active participants in the G7, G8, and G20. Ever since the liberal reforms put forth during Thatcher's years, Britain has been, without fail, a neo-liberal economy. The exploration and evidence of the United Kingdom's economic policies will surely affirm their international political economy (IPE) stance of neo-liberalism. Throughout the essay we will examine four important IPE issues; trade and production, finance, technology and knowledge, and environment. Liberal ties will be made towards all these issues; however there are several mercantilist ideologies that creep into the playing field. First we will see how free-market trade policies and the UK's economic interdependence throughout the world furthers their liberalist approach. In the financial sector, ever since Thatcher's time in office, the UK has worked to deregulate and privatize its economy. Technology and knowledge can be correlated with nearly all areas of a nation's economic orientation. The United Kingdom works to protect Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) as well as
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