What Are Cross Cultural Perspectives

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Cross-Cultural Perspectives Mary Wilson ETH/316 March 23, 2015 Instructor Tiffanie Culpepper Introduction Globalization encourages interdependence which permits an economy to prosper by selling it merchandise to an unlimited market in other counties and can operate a business in more than one country. Globalization also benefits the parent company to buy goods and services from other countries that are successful. The parent company may be here in the United States and have affiliates or subsidiaries in the other countries. The goal is to establish a global business strategy to target developing countries that will generate the most growth and potential for profit. A company which puts to use a successful multinational…show more content…
The worldwide network is being served by four regions outside the U.S.: Canada; Asia-Pacific (APAC); Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent, and Africa (EMEA); and Latin America, Caribbean (LAC). Each country offers different features that are design to meet the transportation needs, specific markets and customer service to service each country. FedEx plays a central role in global trade, benefiting the global economy and, importantly, enabling the development of poorer countries. As more countries become involve in the global economy, FedEx is prepared to provide ground services to its new customers. FedEx has supported several trade negotiations, including the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement, the International Services Agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Each agreement was designed increased trade and investment to have new services and concepts to provide to new customers globally (About FedEx, 2015). There are differences in the similarities of moral and ethical principles as it may apply to the different cultures. All cultures are differences and acknowledge the diversity among cultures of various practices and beliefs. The ethical perspectives would be 1) duty to the organizations and to follow certain standards and rules and a duty to obey moral obligations, 2) Rights to one…show more content…
FedEx has a great understanding and relationship with the supply chains, team members and partners, and maintain a social responsibility to the community. FedEx primary goal is to provide a safe, inclusive, and rewarding environment to encourage people to strengthen their character and to succeed at work. The continuous goal is to connect people and to the possibilities and to positively focus on being highly ethical and have professional standards to meet the needs of their customers and to the communities. In doing this, FedEx will deliver a great vast of wealth to their stakeholders (“About FedEx”,

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