Unit 7 - M2 & D1

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*Client: Type Name Here (Male Results) Strengths Some of the good points from (type name here) health monitoring tests is that his blood pressure was at an acceptable standard according to the normative data table, which means his pulse rate and heart rate is normal, so he has a lower chance of getting any type of diabetes. Another point is that his skinfold measurement was excellent, which means the percentage of fat in his body is not a lot, so it indicates he is healthy (this was according to a NORMAL person type, not ATHLETIC as he does not come under as an athletic person). Weaknesses As well as the good points from his test results, there are also drawbacks. One of his areas for improvement is his peak flow meter result, which was below average, which indicates that his lungs are not as strong or healthy as he thinks. If they were to be more consistent and powerful, he would’ve blown a higher result. Also, his BMI result underweight, which is a major concern as it means he isn’t eating enough or getting the right amounts of minerals and vitamins his body needs in order to grow. So he needs to gain some weight to get into the healthy range at least. *Client: (Type Name Here) (Female Results) Strengths The benefits from(type name here) results were that her blood pressure was also acceptable. Another benefit was that her skinfold according to the ATHLETIC normative data was good, which means for an active and athletic person, she is doing well so far at the moment, which shows a sign that she is fit. Her BMI reading put her in the healthy range, which means she is of a good weight and has a healthy balance of her food consumption. Weaknesses The drawbacks with her health results were that her peak flow reading was just on average. This can be considered a drawback as she was just directly on the average mark, so she could’ve had a lower

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