Unit 536 Essay

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Unit 536 Analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss There can be negative and positive factors which can impact on individuals with sensory loss Negative Negative factors can be that the service users will be vulnerable and may feel like they have lost their sense of freedom and security and loss of control of their environment. The service users may feel isolated as they may not be able to communicate with others and may even suffer with depression, they may not be able to participate in certain activities that they may have enjoyed. Positives Some positive factors might be that they relate to others with the same sensory loss, There are groups that they maybe help to join of people with sensory loss which can help, there is equipment to help for example if their sensory loss if that they are deaf there are hearing aid to help, if they are blind and they like to read there are books in braille or audio books. Communication when communicating with service user that has sight loss *You will have to make sure that if they wear glasses they are cleaned *Stand in front of them so they can see you *You can use bigger print and bold letters print should not be joined or capitalised. when communicating with service users with hearing loss *You can use sign language *Hearing aid and ensure they are switched on and batteries are working *Make sure that you speak clearly, so they can lip read *You can stand infront of them so they can see gestures that you make for e.g hold up a cup to see if they would like a drink. When communicating with service users that are deaf blindness *You can use braille *Could use the moon alphabet which consists of embossed shapes *Special keyboards can be used that produce a vibrations *Touch (reassurance) Analyse how social attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory
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