Unit 301 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings.

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Unit 301 Principal of communication in adult social care settings. Outcome 1 Reasons why people communicate are to obtain and receive information, to get to know each other and form relationships. In an adult social care setting communication is important to express and share ideas, feelings, needs and wishes and preferences. Communication can affect relationships in many ways, in the adult social care it is an essential to communicate to one another because otherwise communication can lead to good or poor service. Good communication with the residents encourages participation in activities therefore promoting equality within the care setting. The resident can gain the trust and understanding from the care worker and therefore communicate with ease the needs that individual requires. Good communication amongst staff encourages a better working relationship and ensures all tasks are completed and to a high standard. Good communication between staff members is important to ensure problems are picked up and dealt quickly and shared amongst staff. Such as an elderly resident having a preference to a cup of tea rather then coffee, the resident communicates this information effectively to staff and staff listening and understanding that the resident hates coffee and communicates this information on to their colleagues. Good communication amongst staff and residents ensures that the resident is getting what she wants and not what shes just given. Outcome 2 Ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual may include: Asking the individual This communication can be the best way to establish the need of the resident as you are asking them directly. Asking the resident if they would prefer tea to coffee or what they would like to eat, what they want to wear etc. can
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