Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Short Answer Questions NVQ Unit 5 – 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3 Tech Cert Unit 4 – 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.2, 5.3 1. Explain what a care worker must do if they become aware of unsafe practices. Firstly they must ensure that the service user is safe and out of any immediate danger, and preserve any evidence of the abuse if there is any. They then need to report this to a supervisor/manager who should then contact social services and/or the police. Also reports will need to be written up.
Assignment 205 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment.
CQC’s aim is to promote improvements in care, and safeguard by making sure a high quality of care is provided and will take legal action if care providers do not met standards, or if they believe service users are at risk. Social workers assess the needs of individuals, and have access to different services of support and protection. They working together with other services such as doctors, community nurses, occupational therapists ensure that they are getting the care and support needed to live happily and have a good quality of life Police investigate any allegations of abuse and will arrange support and protection for the individual, they take action against abuse for example they will gather any evidence to build a case so the abuser can be prosecuted. Medical professionals such as Doctors, Nurses can examine the individuals for any marks/bruising and treat and medical problems as well as collecting medical evidence and being an expert
Where a member of staff in a care setting believes a vulnerable adult is being abused it must be reported immediately to his/her Manager or senior, unless that person is himself under scrutiny, in such a case the matter must be reported to higher management. The well being of the vulnerable adult is paramount and every effort should be made to make sure the victim knows their rights and how to report any issues. If the vulnerable person is in any immediate physical danger steps must be taken to remove them from this potential danger. In cases where a crime is suspected or has been committed, the police must be contacted. The consultation with the police will lead to a decision about how to/who will investigate if this is needed.
2 The signs of abuse Physical abuse- bruising, cuts and scratches, pressure marks, broken bones and even burns . Sexual abuse- bruising around the breast and genital area as well as unexplained bleeding around the genital area, pregnancy, STI `s Emotional/psychological abuse- becoming withdrawal from normal activities, changes in behaviour and maybe depression Financial abuse- no money, food or clothes. Large withdrawals of money from the bank account, sudden changes in the will and the sudden disappearance of valuables. Institutional abuse- poor care standards, lack of response to complex needs; inadequate staffing and lack of choice, individuality. Self neglect- failure to take medicines, leaving cooking unattended, poor hygiene, confusion, weight loss and dehydration Neglect by
Financial abuse Lack of money and clothes, unexplained withdrawals of large amounts of money from bank accounts or valuable items going missing. Institutional abuse Poor care standards, inadequate staffing and lack of choice or individuality. Self neglect Not taking necessary medication, poor hygiene, unexplained weight loss and dehydration Neglect by others Bedsores, poor hygiene, not attending to person’s medical needs, poor living conditions. Describe
Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and Social care Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment.
Usually an assessment is done to determine if an elderly can meet some important needs. It is important to make sure they are capable taking care of themselves, demonstrate decision making, offer testimonies, and the ability of defending themselves. Sometimes it is necessary to assess the abuser with their mental condition to conclude if they are in fact a threat and if they in require treatments. Counseling individuals can help with options, safety, find resolutions, and help with trauma, and find clinics. Legal assistance is in need with cases of abuse.
You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe . You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice. Tasks There are three tasks to this assignment. A Booklet B Research and account C Short answer questions This is a summary of the evidence required for the unit.
1.1 -Physical abuse is when another person is causing physical harm to another person with intention of hurting them -Sexual Abuse is when the forcing of any unwanted sexual activity by one person on another as by the use of threat or force. -Emotional/Psychological abuse is when someone is trying to control and manipulate another person through the use of fear, humiliation, intimidation and verbally abusing them. -Financial abuse is when someone is misusing the use of another person’s belongings whether money, property or valuables without that persons consent or not knowing. -Institutional abuse is when a company or organisation fails to provide appropriate and professional bodies to vulnerable people and failure to protect them while people are under their care. -Self-Neglect is when someone is harming themselves whether being self-abusing (cutting themselves) neglecting their personal hygiene (washing and dressing) refusing to eat or drink.