Unit 201 Essay

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Unit 201 – Child and Young Person Development Outcome 1 – Know the main stages of child and young person development 1.2 Different aspects of development can affect one another in several different ways; some examples are: • If a child has a physical disability, this obviously slows down their physical development. But it can also affect their social development as they may not be able to join in with activities their classmates are participating in. Also, in school they might have to stay in a specific place with staff, meaning they cannot go out and socialise at break times etc. • A child may have extreme difficulty retaining information, which affects mental development and impacts on her ability to communicate. The child may get upset or distressed by this – affecting her emotional development. Outcome 2 – Understand the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development 2.2 It is important to recognise any problems children or young people may be facing as they might not feel they can talk to anyone about the issue. Once you know about the problem e.g. bullying; you can address the problem before it gets too serious. A child being bullied also tries to miss school or particular lessons. Poor behaviour can also be a sign of a cry for attention/ help. Outcome 3 – Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development 3.1 Most children will go through the following transitions: • Leaving primary school and starting high school • Moving up in schools – adding responsibility and different levels of maturity • Exams and assessments • Losing and gaining friendships • Choosing your own future when leaving school, whether it’s choosing college, apprenticeships or other routes. 3.2 Only some children will experience: • Loss of family member or friend
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