The Effects of Slcn on Young People

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The effects of SLCN on young people - Task 12 There is a strong correlation between EBD (emotional and behavioural difficulties) and those who have SLCN ( speech, language and communication needs). Many of the behavioural difficulties that arise from SLCN are avoidable by early detection and intervention, this is still very much lacking within social care provisions and many children and young people’s difficulties go undetected for too long. Many parents and settings are quick to label ‘naughty’ children and would prefer to let someone else deal with them than to look at the root of the problem and see if there is a reason behind these behaviours. There are many agencies that can help, much of the problem is that people don’t also realise there is a problem to begin with. Families that are aware of the problem aren’t always made aware of what help is available for them and although this has had more parliamentary support and has been further prioritised, it hasn’t been widely publicised. The need for early intervention is crucial, for families to learn alternative methods of communication where necessary and to learn to deal safely with the behavioural difficulties they might experience. To know where to go for help and guidance, and to see a GOOD multi-agency approach is paramount. Much of the problem when SLCN isn’t detected early, is that as they become older the behaviours are more noticeable than the poor communication skills. It is often at this point that they become labelled as troublemakers. They get excluded from schools which can further encourage negative behaviours and so the circle continues. This can often affect the young persons ability to form and maintain relationships and can even ultimately have an impact on their mental health. Many young people don’t understand themselves what help they need, that coupled with possible communication

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