Describe with Examples How Different Aspects of Development Can Affect Another.

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Describe with examples how different aspects of development can affect another. Different aspects of development can overlap and affect others in different ways; I will put a few examples. One example would be a child with communication problems, for example he/she speaks a different language to their peers, this in turn would affect their social development in that they wouldn’t be able to socialise with their peers and play. The child may become a victim of bullying as they are ‘different’ and may feel isolated. If a child wasn’t as advanced as their peers with reading and a group of children were sat on the carpet reading books together, the child may have difficulty mixing with that group and won’t feel included. Another example could be that in order to develop a child’s fine motor skills a teacher may decide to have a painting activity. This in turn would improve their emotional development as they can express themselves through the picture, and will improve their language as the child will often like to speak about the picture. This could also improve their intellect as they will be curious how to make other colours, which they will learn through mixing the paints. Another example is imaginative play. This is developing their social skills as they learn to socialise with their peers, and sharing skills. And again they often like to talk about what they have done which will improve their language development. A child that lacked the social skills to share could find that their emotional and intellectual development is affected. For example the child may become disliked by the young peers which may cause the child to feel isolated and may not feel comfortable enough to work with others in class to do group work. This over time could lead to bullying which would have negative effects on the child’s self-esteem which would stunt their emotional
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