Unit 1 Use and Develop Systems That Promote Communication Health and Social Care Level 5

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There are many people I communicate with in my role as deputy manager. Communication is effective when using the right method for the right person. These are service users, families and friends, support workers and senior support worker and my manager and all professionals. Communication takes many forms for me from in person, emails, telephone calls, written correspondence, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, touch or contact. I use effictive and clear verbal communication to all which I believe promotes a strong working relationship. It is important for me to communicate in the correct way to ensure that the needs of each service user are being met. For service users that are non verbal I have identified their communication needs by ways of makaton and visual aids. Most recently a service user came in to our service whos main communiation method was makaton. Although I have been on a makaton course, I rarely used it so I was not fluent in my signing. We quickly put on a makaton course and to reinforce that at our service we have reinforced this by doing a makaton sign of the week, this is where each week a new sign is displayed on various walls within the service and is up for one week. All service users and staff are encourage to use this sign, that way by doing one sign every week we are all learning new signs and also they are beginning to stick in our memories. Also, we have another non verbal service user who would only tap to communicate, ie tap staffs left hand if you want orange and right hand if you want blackcurrant. I reinforced this with pictures and now that service user have a much larger variety of choice. Majority of service user parents are communicated via the telephone, I will often, where possible follow up the telephone conversations with an email to confirm what was

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