Traditional Indian Values

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Sustaining Traditional Indian Values In sociology, values are defined as enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is considered desirable and non-desirable. Values exert a major influence on the behavior of an individual that serves as a broad guideline in all situations. A culture’s values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair and just. However, sociologists disagree on how to conceptualize values. The social-conflict approach focuses on how values differ between groups within a culture, while the structural-functional approach focuses on the shared values within a culture. The symbolic-interaction approach tells us that values are shaped by an individual’s experiences and interactions. American sociologist, Robert K. Merton suggested that the three most important values in the American society are wealth, success and power. Whereas, functional sociologist Talcott Parsons notes that Americans share the common value of “American work ethic,” which encourages hard work (Innocenti). In India, the value systems are as old as the origin of the society itself. This paper endeavors to present the traditional Indian values such as group harmony, flexibility and group performance as the three most important components identified through a survey in the Indian culture till date. A culture may harbor values that often conflict with one another. In a rich, diverse and developing country like India, there are usually not just a single value system but also multiple, overlapping and sometimes opposing ones. In ancient Indian society tolerance and patience are values most regarded. Today, people are enraged at the slightest provocation and are aggressive. For example road accidents are caused due to impatience. Whereas in many dominant societies being aggressive and making rapid immediate decisions are important values for gaining
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