Wealthier societies have exceptional educational services which include better teachers, utilities, and curriculum, whereas poorer societies just get by on the bare minimum. Children who do not become well educated will not succeed as far as they may like to because their knowledge and qualifications will limit them. Without that education, it is extremely difficult for individuals with low incomes to overcome the poverty barrier and they will most likely end up in a
James Rachels’ on Normative Cultural Relativism Every culture has its own customs, traditions and beliefs that dictate the actions of its citizens. Cultural relativism states that although practices and ethical beliefs differ from society to society, it must be accepted as good, relative to each respective culture’s beliefs and moral code. Rachels believes that an act that may be frowned upon in one culture may in fact be totally acceptable in another. The theory of Cultural Relativism puts in action the idea of what people believe is morally right and how it relates to the culture that it is practiced in. Morals concern what is right and wrong.
Have we ever had a middle class or poor president? It turns out we have, and some that have even gone bankrupt. After adjusting for inflation, the two wealthiest presidents in American history where George Washington and John F. Kennedy. Washington was worth over a half a billion dollars in today`s money. And his presidential salary was much higher than later presidents, totaling 2 percent of the U.S. budget for 1789.
Sociology lets us define and explain human behavioralism such as Beliefs. Specific ideas that people in society hold to be true is the root existence of Beliefs. Beliefs are particular matters which people hold to be true or false. Values pertain to beliefs, Values are culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good, and beautiful which serves as a broad guideline for social living. People sharing a culture are looking at the same Values to make choices about how to live.
Yeah Australians pay more than Americans for a majority of their products. In Australia's case they have more purchasing power per a citizen then America does by a landslide. Your average Aussie citizen is not nearly as poor as your average American. The national average minimum wage in America is around $6.50 an hour. $9.04 is the highest and 5.15 is the lowest recorded state wage as of January 1st 2012.
Jeff Doyle Sundol WRC 1013-11 1 Nov. 2010 Are Poor Americans Actually Poor? The number of Americans in poverty today is rather shocking. There are currently thirty-seven million Americans who are classified as being "in poverty" (Rector 2). Many Americans are classified below the line of poverty, but in retrospect to the rest of the world, Americans seem far from poor. America is considered to be upon the most prominent and successful nations in the world; so, why is over a tenth of our population deemed as "poor" by our government?
From 1979 to 2006, the financial industry’s share in the nation’s corporate profits grew from a fifth to almost a third. By 2006, bankers and insurers were making 70 percent more, on average, than workers in the rest of the private sector. Then they set off again one of the worst financial crises since the Great Depression, and taxpayers bailed them out. The corruption is just not limited to Wall Street but also politicians who made money off of looking the other way. My input on this is that we did not learn anything from the crash of the stock market in 1929.
From a multicultural psychological perspective individualism and collectivism are concepts that enclose essential differences in how the interactions between people and their roles in societies are build. Individualism "stands for a society in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family only" (Hofstede, 1994). Individualism, the fundamental unit is the individual and the society that promotes individualism supports people’s well- being
ASSIGNMENT 1 1. Ideology The concept of ideology have many various perspectives. One of the perspective is by Ambercrombie, Hill and Turner (1980) who view ideology as a form of social order that is sustained by the acquiescence of the majority. However, people are able to resist and reject the ideology of the majority. A more neutral view of ideology is that it is synonymous to our worldview.
How and why the world really works and should work. Some conceptions of ideology see ideology as the structure of assumptions which are a representation of the imaginary relation of individuals to the real condition of existence. Ideology creates us as persons, it gives us a sense of being, an existence if you will. Through Ideology people accept or reject the current way of doing things, they understanding or explain what is natural or is perceived as, and accept their role in society. Ideology brings about socialization or is a partner in crime with, and brings about the process of shaping our cognitive and emotional interpretations in our social world.