Total Quality Management

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Total Quality Management TABLE OF CONTENTS No Details 1 Introduction 2 The primary elements of TQM 3 TQM in the food industry (Restaurants) 4 Advantages & Disadvantages of Total Quality Management Strategies 5 ISO 9001 Guidelines for food and drink industry 6 Results of a well implemented TQM system with regard to ISO values 7 Conclusion 8 Reference What is TQM (Total Quality Management)? How TQM can improve the operations and management structure in any organization with your choice and write how their current operations are? And if they implement ISO standards then how the operations will change? 1. Introduction TQM is management and control activities based on the leadership of top management and based on the involvement of all employees and all departments from planning and development to sales and service. These management and control activities focus on quality assurance by which those qualities which satisfy the customer are built into products and services during the above processes and then offered to consumers. This approach integrates all organisational activities e.g. engineering, manufacturing, marketing and administration work. It aims broadly at maintaining and improving quality standards and to achieve customer satisfaction. TQM’s major components are quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. Quality control is responsible for transforming quality planning and quality improvement outcomes into daily routine work. An entire enterprise can be better controlled when it is regarded as a set of processes. Process is controlled by the same systematic way of implementing strategies. Some tools are suggested in these control processes. These are statistical process control (SPC), root cause analysis (RCA) and the Feedback Loop. TQM Diagram: Plan -The first step in the PDSA cycle is to

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